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Smiling (9)
Alacrity (2)
The importance of smiling :-)
How to kill with a smile
I’m a nice person. But for my nemesis I have reserved the ultimate revenge: a smile.
I never really thought about the impact he made, until he wasn’t there....
It was raining very, very hard. I would never have gone out, but it was the final day to pay some bills and I had to get to the bank.
The Talmud explains that smiling at someone is an even higher form of charity than giving him money, because the smile will enhance the recipient's well-being on every level of body and soul...
From earliest infancy, we cry and smile as a form of communication. But with whom are we communicating when we weep solitary tears? With whom are we sharing our joy when we smile to ourselves, alone and unseen?
Watching my tiny baby receive high doses of oxygen just to keep him breathing definitely gave me a true appreciation for every breath.
It’s rare that if you smile at someone, they won’t smile back at you.
At a mental health awareness event a few years ago, I heard a man describe his suicide attempt, in which he jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Few who have made that 220-foot jump have lived to tell their stories. But this man was one of ...
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