Aaron |
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Aaron: (a) (1397-1273 BCE) Son of Amram and Jochebed, brother of Miriam and Moses. Moses’ partner and spokesman in his mission to free the Israelites from Egypt. First High Priest and patriarch of the Priestly Family. A man who loved peace and always sought to bring conflicting parties to reconciliation. Died in the desert, shortly before the Israelites entered Canaan. (b) A common Jewish name.
Aaron personified kindness. His life’s work was the endless and vigorous promotion of peace.
Leaders can fail for two kinds of reason - interal and external.
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Bamidbar
After the general census of the Jewish people, Moses takes a separate census of the tribe of Levi, including the family of Aaron the high priest. In the verse (Numbers 3:39) “All the countings of the Levites that Moses and Aaron counted,” the word “ve-Aha...
Of Snakes and Sticks
And Aaron threw his staff before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it turned into a serpent. Pharaoh summoned also [his] wise men and sorcerers... each cast his staff, and they turned into serpents; but Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs... The...
Question: We know about Moses. The Torah tells us about him and his adventures from the moment he is born. But what about Aaron? Where was he before his younger brother arrived from Midian and suddenly appointed him his attaché? Response: That is a great ...
The clouds represented everything that Aaron stood for—millions of people can be shielded by the same cloud, unlike food or water that can’t be shared by even two people simultaneously. Like the clouds, Aaron protected and cherished everyone equally...
I would set you up with so many men, women and children who have lost their direction in life. Maybe you would be able to touch the hearts of those who have fallen off the beaten path, and bring our lost children home...
Moses brought the Torah down to earth, but Aaron brought G‑d down to earth. Why was only Aaron's invitation for G‑d to dwell on earth accepted?
Aaron was eighty-four years old, a venerable sage and a dedicated leader. He’d been primed for his role as high priest and had rehearsed the sacrificial procedure for seven days. Why the cold feet?
It was precisely because Aaron did not seek power or prestige that he was chosen to a position of leadership. Now try telling that to our wannabee politicians…
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