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Reuben: (a) (1568-1443 BCE) Son of Jacob and Leah, eldest of the Twelve Tribes. His biggest failing was interfering with his father’s marital life, an act that cost him his birthright. His shining moment was when he dissuaded his brothers from killing Joseph before they sold him into slavery. (b) A common Jewish name.
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Instead of falling short of true repentance, Reuben encouraged his brothers to maximize and upgrade their penitence.
Reuben's descendents were destined to be the royalty of Israel. But alas, because of his shortcoming, that right was taken from him, and the kingship of Israel was transferred to Judah. But why Judah?
Reuben (or Reuven, as it is pronounced in Hebrew) was the name of the oldest of Jacob's twelve sons, fathers of the twelve tribes. The Torah Genesis 29:32. records when he was given this name and as well as its meaning. But first a little background infor...
One moment of action, against nine years of prayer and fasting...
1568 BCE
The incident involving the mandrakes (dudaim) which Reuben, the eldest son of Jacob, found in the field "during the time of the wheat harvest"--recounted in Genesis 30:14-18--occurred on the fifth of Sivan of the year 2197 from creation (1568 BCE).
I remember the Rebbe thundering: “The whole Egyptian exile can be traced to Reuben’s ill-timed teshuvah! When a Jewish child is languishing in the pit, this is not the time to be worrying about your own spiritual state . . .”
1568 BCE
Reuben, the eldest son of Jacob and Leah, was born in Charan (Mesopotamia) on the 14th of Kislev of the year 2193 from creation (1568 BCE). As Jacob's firstborn, he was initially entitled to the leadership of Israel and to a double portion in the Holy Lan...
Reuben and Judah
Why was the leadership of Israel taken from Reuben and given to Judah? What does this teach us about the leaders we should choose to follow and the leadership we should display?
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 10, Vayeitzei sicha 2
Why Rashi adds an apparently superfluous layer to why Leah called her firstborn son Reuven.
The High Priest wore a breastplate with 12 precious stones, one for each of the tribes. The first stone, etched with Reuben’s name, was the red ruby.
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