Monotheism |
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The respective roles of faith and intellect in Abraham’s discovery of the truth of the one G-d.
Jethro's arrival and conversion was a crucial preparation for the giving of the Torah.
Jethro's arrival and conversion was a crucial preparation for the giving of the Torah.
To Know G-d
One of the classics in Chasidic literature, "Veyadaata" is renowned for its simple yet profound explanation of the oneness of G-d, while at the same time focusing on the challenges of day-to-day living, exploring ways in which one can receive the inner G-...
The Logic of Faith
On closer inspection, it seems more akin to ecology than to ethical monotheism... yet this one elegant idea developed by a child some 3,800 years ago, has transformed the world forever
Twice Moses states in our Parshah that "there is none else"--that nothing exists aside from G-d. Are these just words, or do they mean something that we can understand?
Abram’s Family, Abram’s Birth, Nimrod’s Attempt on Abram’s Life, Young Abram Recognizes G-d, Abram Destroys the Idols, In Nimrod’s Hands, The Miracle in the Furnace, G-d Commands and Promise to Abram, Abram’s Obedience
As he stood at the pile of ashes and smoldering embers which was all that remained of everything he owned, he lifted his eyes heavenward and began to recite: "Blessed are you G-d...."
Hasn't it caused as much evil as good?
Monotheism is a dangerous belief. Perhaps one of the most dangerous beliefs there is. For monotheism to enter the world safely, it must be married to a deeper belief…
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