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We should never be so humble that we miss out on our mission and purpose in life.
A Taste of Text—Vayikra
Experience your largeness, but at the same time feel your smallness. Talents are gifts endowed to you by G‑d.
—How the ego conflicts with true joy
We may be somewhat surprised to discover that not only is there no conflict between the two, but in truth happiness and humility make a marvelous pair.
How to fly high above any challenge, smash through the most impervious obstacle, take on the entire world without flinching--and be humble about it, too!
Is it a good thing that we’ve become so small?
Man has shrunk over the centuries. At the same time, our planet became an infinitesimal speck in a universe of mind-numbing vastness. Did we become humbler?
Extreme humility is sometimes confused with low self-esteem. For Moses, these were as different as day and night.
Moses’ exceptional humility: the humblest man on earth.
This class explores three levels of humility: Level one is a ‘considerate humility’. Level two is an ‘essential humility’. Level three and the highest of all is a ‘vulnerable humility’. (Based on Likutei Sichos, vol. 38 Behaalotecha)
How to be genuinely humble before all. (Tanya Ch. 30)
A healthy sense of humility is crucial and leads to joy. Discover an honest outlook on the way we view others.
Two things you always need to keep in your pocket.
The character traits of our people
There are three traits, declares the Talmud, that characterize the Jewish people. An analysis of these qualities from the differing perspectives of the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds. (Likkutei Sichos, vol. 30)
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