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Godliness: Divinity
The Underlying Reality
The most puzzling thing about G‑dliness is that it can be hidden from us. The true reality of everything that exists can be hidden from those very creatures that emerge from it.
Why building a Temple on the Temple Mount is by necessity the first stage in making the world a G-dly place. (A Tisha B'Av study, based on the Rebbe's discourse Gadol Yihyeh K'vod Habayis Hazeh, 5722.)
One day, we will open our eyes to see that everything is here now.
Humans can only see so far, but if we had the ability to view everything through G‑d’s eyes, we’d see the “sunshine,” the goodness, in all He created.
What’s the significance of the staff turning into a serpent, then back to a staff, and swallowing all the others in the process?
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