
Apollo 11 Moon Landing (1969)

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Discover three powerful lessons we can learn from America’s historic Apollo 11 mission – the first crewed landing to the moon.
Millions worldwide watched in awe as the lunar module raced through space. People held their breaths at what was seen as the almost impossible mission. But many religious people felt disoriented...
Editor's Note: This weekend, people all over the world are marking 50 years since Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon, an event whose historic significance resonated with just about everyone on Earth in 1969, just as it does today. Like all events great a...
On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 was launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. After a successful landing on the moon’s surface, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step foot on our celestial neighbor, on July 20, corresponding to the Hebrew date of ...
What we learn from the first moon landing.
It's never the answer you would expect
On July 20, 1969, I was old enough to follow the moon landing down to the detail, but still too young for cynicism. I collected every magazine and newspaper article I could find on the topic. But what stands out in my memory the most was the mood in the a...
When to pray? When is Shabbat? What to do when time and space are not what they are on earth?
The Jewish view on UFOs, aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence
Dr. Velvl Greene was enlisted by NASA in their project to determine if there is life on Mars. When he asked the Lubavitcher Rebbe privately if this was something he should be doing . . .
You write about the apparent contradiction between the latest scientific attempts to penetrate outer space, especially reaching the moon, which seems to you to contradict the statement in the Torah, “The Heavens belong to G‑d, and the earth He gave to the...
"Yesterday, an event took place that had no known precedent in human history: a manned spacecraft approached the moon, orbited it several times, and returned safely to earth. What can we, as Jews, learn from this event?"
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