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When the people are righteous and observe the commandments of the Torah, the earth is invigorated and full of joy.
When the people are righteous and observe the commandments of the Torah, the earth is invigorated and full of joy.
I recently attended a seminar on the Canadian Human Rights Commissions. On the whole, the event amounted to a wholesale "Let's Quash the Human Rights Commissions" extravaganza...
Thoughts on the Blagojevich Scandal
Here in Illinois, coupled with the disgust, is an inverse sense of pride at the history of our elected officials' audacity. The upshot is: "That's the way it was, is and forever will be; we might as well laugh at it."
Here's my question. Blagojevich's motives are obvious: he wanted the money. But what would inspire someone to pay substantial money for a relatively low-paying Senate seat?
What does the question even mean? How would one “bribe” the Creator anyway?
Rav Anan had unwittingly caused an unjust verdict.
For the haftarah of Vayeishev, From the Teachings of the Rebbe
Amos delivers G‑d’s words of rebuke to the 10 northern tribes, the Kingdom of Israel. He chastises them for their corruption of those in power over the common folk . . .
There must be transparency and accountability when it comes to public funds even if the people involved have impeccable reputations.
Growing up, my husband dreamed of riding in the Tour de France. He trained for years, investing hours a day, with an incredible focus and dedication. He rode against the best. He lost against the best. And then, in the final race which would determine who...
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