Hear, O Israel! You are about to go to battle with your enemy. Don’t let your hearts be frail. Do not fear, nor panic, nor be in dread of them. (Deuteronomy 20:3)
In the midst of battle, it is forbidden to entertain thoughts that frighten you. (Maimonides)
The same applies in every troubling situation. (Rabbeinu Yona of Gerona)
How can you live without fear?
By refusing to think those thoughts that frighten you.
Because wherever your mind travels, your heart will follow. Wherever it is focused, emotions will grow and flourish.
And when the channels of your mind change their course, even the most substantial fear will quickly wither and return to the earth from which it sprang, to be replaced by fresh emotions newly born.
If your emotions are children, your thoughts are the parents that gave birth to them; if they are the plants of your garden, your thoughts are their water, air and sunshine.
That is why you must stay clear of fearful thoughts. Don't feed them, don't cuddle them, don't entertain them. Don't even react to them.
If such a thought sneaks in for a chat, just show it the door and invite in a useful thought instead.
Life is a battle. Live it fearlessly and win.
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