
Parshah Musings

From Good To Great
It’s easier and more comfortable to just skate by on natural talent and future promise. Near enough becomes good enough.
Time Well Spent
Many dot-com entrepreneurs are already onto their third or fourth start-up, and most Noble Prize-winning physicists and mathematicians have completed their best work by then. But the Levites actualy began their career at age 30
Money Hungry?
In fairness, no institution can be expected to survive on well-wishes alone. I don’t question people's and institutions' right to support, only the chutzpah of collecting "for G-d" and directing it to another cause...
Living Life to the Fullest
It's not as if the princes were struggling financially; they could have easily doubled their donation. Surely one could expect a higher standard of magnanimity from the princes of Israel!
Blessing the Blessers
The chazzan reaches the moment, the Kohanim turn around, lower their prayer shawls over their eyes, raise their hands towards the crowd and the Priestly Blessing begins. What an amazing religion we have where certain people have been specifically assigned the job of blessing the masses with sanctity and love:
The Two Handed Salute
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