
Parshah Focus

The Holy Temple: an Anthology
What was the Holy Temple? Why was it destroyed? Do we have anything like it today? Do we really want to see it rebuilt and bring back those animal sacrifices? Seventeen essays, articles and stories on the holiest place on earth
The Dynamic Duo: Betzalel and Aholiav
The artisans who made the Mishkan and its equipment
Only when Betzalel and Aholiav work in unity can we forge a connection with G-d.
Which Objects Were Present in the Holy of Holies?
I recall hearing that there were five objects in the chamber, but I cannot remember what they were. Can you please help refresh my memory?
The High Priest's Breastplate (Choshen)
The breastplate was a garment worn by the high priest while serving in the Holy Temple.
The Golden Tzitz
A mysterious ornament worn on the high priest’s forehead
The kohen gadol (high priest) wore eight garments and accessories when serving in the Holy Temple. Let’s explore one of the lesser-known ones: the golden tzitz.
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