
From the Chassidic Masters

The Power of What
We are forever asking: What is the reason? What is the meaning? We ask this question of all commandments and all occurrences, even those we supposedly understand . . .
The Fiftieth Year
Mundanity, holiness and beyond—a study of the spiritual significance of the Shemittah and Jubilee cycles.
Doing Business with G-d
Torah law forbids charging interest for a loan, but with a heter iska form, one is permitted to profit on invested capital. Is this not a violation of the spirit of the law? What indeed is the “spirit” of this law?
Eating on the Job
The Rebbe examines our relationship with G-d from an interesting angle -- the legal angle. Using Torah law as our criterion, what would be G-d's obligations toward us?
The Evolution of Evil
“All affairs of this world are severe, and evil and wicked men prevail.” No one who is even minimally acquainted with world history, and marginally aware of current events, is likely to take issue with this statement from Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi’s Tanya. Its stark accuracy underlies one of the most disturbing questions in the annals of religious thought. Why should, and how could, the world be this way?
The Prodigy Under The Bed
From his hiding place, Rabbi Hillel heard the rebbe enter the room. But before he could make a move, he heard Rabbi Schneur Zalman exclaim: “If a young man has a question regarding ‘Appraisals,’ he had best first evaluate himself!”
Whose Life Is It, Anyway?
What is the correlation between life's responsibilities and its rewards? If we "do our best" will G-d give us everything we need, or is reward measured by achievement? The law of the "Four Guardians" as a model for the duties and priviliges of man
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