In this week's portion, Haazinu, there is so much depth, so much meaning. Everyone should learn it and find personal meaning. You will find that it talks to you.
There is one verse that I keep going back to. It is a source of strength and meaning for me.
Against the backdrop of Israel pinning their faith in idols and suffering at the hands of their enemies, G‑d says "See now that it is I! I am the One, and there is no god like Me! I cause death and grant life. I strike, but I heal, and no one can rescue from My Hand!”
What about this verse gives me strength and meaning?
When I was diagnosed with ALS, there were two possible roads to travel: I could have fallen prey to the "why me?" attitude, sunken into depression and been miserable. Instead, knowing that this is from G‑d, I knew that if He put me in this predicament, there must be a good reason. I chose to ask myself, how can I serve His purpose from my situation? What can be done from my position now, that could not have been accomplished when I was well?
True I can't do many of the things I once could. But with what I do have, I have found ways to make a difference. The things I love to do most, to teach and lift others up, I'm still doing. The method changed; before I would speak, now I write (I never dreamed I would become a writer). It seems that because of my predicament, my words are more effective.
The problem with "why me?" is that your focus is on me, the ultimate false deity. To this G‑d says, "See it is I" who put you here. He tailor-made your scenario. Find your mission and strengths specifically from your situation. You don't have to be challenged with suffering to learn this lesson; you need only be alive, because "I kill and I bring to life." It is G‑d that chooses you to be alive. Recognizing this is the beginning of meaning in your life. And if you are suffering, know that "I strike and I heal." Again this is from G‑d. There is purpose in your struggle that can only be realized through your struggle. Find a way to turn your pain into positive, your struggle into strength.
With all that said, we've struggled and suffered enough. It's time for Moshiach to come.
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