
Guest Columnists

We Must Share Our Torah Knowledge
What does it take to be a Torah teacher? Are there qualifications?
Are You Lonely?
We believe we're all living completely separate lives, but that's as much of an illusion as believing a blood cell isn't part of, and dependent on, the body in which it lives.
Is It Too Late to Change?
Couldn’t He have let them hang out in the Bahamas instead? Or at least some nice vacation spot along the Red Sea and let them do a little scuba diving?
Knowledge and Power: Teaching the Awesomeness
It seems that Rashi's second comment is twice as long, yet half as clear.
Love in the Desert
This is going to be, eventually, a column about love.
Is G-d Just Treating Me Like a Number?
Why all this counting?
Wave It Like You Mean It!
I was about to board the train, a middle-aged man exited the train and immediately approached me. “I’m a Jew,” he said.
The Dangers of Deconstruction
An Essay on Parshat Bamidbar
How does one switch from the stage where everything is sanctified to the stage where the sacred must be carried on one’s shoulder?
The Census: Making Each Person Count
Each Jew holds a designated place within the cohesive structure of the Jewish people.
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