Note: The division of aliyot below is followed when Shemini Atzeret falls on a weekday; when Shemini Atzeret falls on Shabbat, the (same) reading is divided into seven sections (plus Maftir). See here for the Shabbat apportionment.

First Aliyah: After giving a tenth of one's crops to the Levite, a tenth of the remainder – the "Second Tithe" – is taken and eaten in Jerusalem. Provision is made for people who live far away from Jerusalem: they may exchange the produce for money which is then taken to Jerusalem and spent on food. There is a three-year tithing cycle. After the conclusion of each cycle, we are commanded to purge our homes of any overdue tithes, give them to their intended recipients, and recite a brief prayer. Moses commands the Jews to designate every seventh year as a Shemitah (Sabbatical) Year, during which, creditors must forgive outstanding loans. The section then discusses the obligation to give charity to the poor with a happy heart, and to lend them money if necessary, even if the Shemitah Year is looming. A Jewish slave must be freed after six years of service and must be given generous severance gifts as he departs. The male firstborn of kosher cattle must be consecrated and given to the Kohen(priest) to eat. If the animal is blemish-less it is first offered as a sacrifice in the Temple.

Second Aliyah: This section discusses the holiday of Passover. We are commanded to ensure that Passover always falls in the spring time, and to bring the Paschal Offering in "the place that G‑d chooses to dwell His name there." Leavened food is prohibited throughout the holiday, and we are commanded to remember the Exodus from Egypt all the days of our lives.

Third Aliyah: Not only is the consumption of chametz (leaven) proscribed on Passover, but also retaining it in one's possession is disallowed. The Torah then details several laws that pertain to the Passover holiday sacrifices, and then designates the seventh day of Passover as a full-fledged holy day.

Fourth Aliyah: The Torah now turns to the holiday of Shavuot. We are commanded to count seven weeks from when the Omer Offering is brought (on the second day of Passover), following which we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot.

Fifth Aliyah: The reading concludes with a discussion regarding the festival of Sukkot, during which we are commanded to rejoice for seven days and be "only happy." All males must be in attendance in the Holy Temple during these afore-detailed holidays.

Maftir: This brief reading from the Book of Numbers describes the offerings brought in the Holy Temple on Shemini Atzeret, along with their accompanying libations and meal offerings.