
Chumash Classes: Chukat

In depth study of the weekly Torah portion.

Chumash Classes: Chukat, Part 1
ntroduction, why doesn't the Torah state that this is the law of the Red Heifer? Why is this the ultimate statue. What is the connection to the portion of Korach? Why a Red cow? (Ch. 19 verses 1 & 2)
Chumash Classes: Chukat, Part 2
The laws that are connected to the ritual of the Red Heifer. (Ch. 19 verses 3 - 13)
Chumash Classes: Chukat, Part 3
The purification process of one who is defiled by the dead or a sword. (Ch. 19 verses 14 - 19)
Chumash Classes: Chukat, Part 4
This ends the description of the ritual of the Red Heifer. (Ch. 19 verses 20 - 22) (Ch. 20 verses 1 - 6) Miriam dies and the well of Miriam disappears. The people have no water and they complain to Moshe.
Chumash Classes: Chukat, Part 5
We begin the story of Moshe hitting the rock in the 40th year of the journey in the desert, after God had commanded him to speak to the rock. (Ch. 20 verses 7 - 12)
Chumash Classes: Chukat, Part 6
the incident with the hitting of the rock. Moshe petitions the King of Edom to let the Jewish nation pass through his land, but he refuses to let them pass. (Ch. 20 verses 12 - 21)
Chumash Classes: Chukat, Part 7
The death of Aaron. (Ch. 20 verses 22 - 29)
Chumash Classes: Chukat, Part 8
After Aaron's death the clouds are removed and Amalek attacks, under the guise of being Canaanites. The people complain about G-d and Moshe and they are attacked and killed by snakes and scorpions. The admit their sin and G-d commands Moshe to make a copper snake that would cure those that were bitten, by looking up at the snake on a pole. (Ch. 21 verses 1 - 9)
Chumash Classes: Chukat, Part 9
The Song Of The Well. The portion ends with the wars with Og and Sichon. (Ch. 21 verses 10 - 35)
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