
Chumash Classes: Yitro, Part 5

Hashem warns not to touch the mountain

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Chumash Classes: Yitro, Part 5: Hashem warns not to touch the mountain

chp. 19 verses 13 - 25: Continues with the warning from Hashem not to touch the Mt.. Moshe goes down from the Mt. to purify the people and he tells them to separate from their wives for three days. On the third day in the morning there was thunder and lightning and a thick cloud on the Mt.. They heard the sound of the shofar and the people trembled. Moshe brought the people out to meet Hashem and they stood under the Mt..Hashem descended upon the Mt. and he called Moshe to ascend the Mt.. He then told him to go dowm again and warn the people about coming to close to the Mt.. So he went down and warned the people.
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