Hi Anyone know how to download the whole mesechta at one time in mp3 audio? Reply
Great Shiurim Reply
Best maggid shiur there is Reply
Mazal Tov Dear Rabbi Zajac!!!! Parabens Rabbi Zajac!!! I follow your shiurim from Raanana, Israel. Tractates: Sucot, Baba Kamma, Avoda Zara, Sanhedrin Brachot and now in the middle of Baba Metzia. Thank you so much for your effort and for your dedication!! Creio que os anos no Brasil fizeram bem para voce ter essa dinamica de transmitir com tanta clareza e intensidade os ensinamentos dos Chachamin!!! Yashar Kohach Gadol!! Reply
Congrats! Major accomplishment. Chazak. What about Masechet Tamid? Reply
It's in the middle of Masechet Meilah. Reply
What great accomplishment that all who are interested can share! Now leaders and volunteers in every family and community have a tool with which to learn easily and thoroughly. Blessings Mary Frances Begley Reply
Mazel Tov Best Maggid Shiur Ever Reply
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