The Neilah service is immediately followed by the regular, relatively brief, weekday evening service. In many communities it is customary to perform the monthly kiddush levanah ("sanctification of the moon") after the evening services.
The havdalah service over a cup of wine or grape juice is then performed. The blessing on the spices is omitted from the havdalah (unless it is Saturday night).
The blessing on the candle is recited—but with an interesting twist. Normally, we only recite this blessing on Saturday night, the night when fire was originally produced (by Adam, after the first Shabbat). On the night after Yom Kippur we also recite this blessing, but for a different reason: because for the past day we were forbidden to make use of fire – as opposed to all other Jewish holidays, when lighting a fire from pre-existing flame is permitted – and we can now once again benefit from fire. Upon returning home from synagogue, it is customary to wish one another "Gut yom tov!"As such, on this night we recite this blessing only on a fire that has "rested," i.e., a fire that has been burning since before the onset of Yom Kippur—a fire that until now we were forbidden to use, but now are permitted.
(Since it is preferable to recite the candle blessing on a multiple wicked candle, one can take another – unlit – candle and adjoin its wick to the lit wick of the candle that "rested.")
After the havdalah, the fast is concluded. Before eating, it is customary to ritually wash one's hands (in the manner of the morning hand washing).
A Joyous Night
The night following Yom Kippur is pervaded by a festive atmosphere. We are confident that G‑d has – once again – forgiven all our sins, and we are eager to tackle the new year with a clean slate. Upon returning home from synagogue, it is customary to wish one another "Gut yom tov!" ("Chag sameach!" or "Happy holiday!") and to enjoy a festive meal.
On this night, we begin to look forward to the next holiday and its unique mitzvot. Without delay, we start erecting the sukkah, or, at the very least, we discuss the plans for its construction.
The joy continues until the month's conclusionThe festive atmosphere continues into the next day. The day following Yom Kippur is known as Gut's Nummen ("G‑d's Name"). According to the mystics, the four special days between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, days when we are preoccupied with preparations for Sukkot, symbolize the four letters of the Tetragrammaton.
The joy continues until the month's conclusion. The Tachanun – sections of the prayers involving confession and bids for forgiveness – are omitted from all prayers until the following month, the month of Cheshvan.
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