Consuming First Fruits outside of Jerusalem

"You may not eat within your gates...the offering of your hand"Deuteronomy 12:17.

It is forbidden for a priest to consume bikurim (the First Fruits) outside of Jerusalem.

Declaration of the First Fruits

"And you shall call out and say before G‑d, your G‑d: 'An Aramean [sought to] destroy my father..."—Deuteronomy 26:5.

When bringing the First Fruit to the Holy Temple, the owner is commanded to speak of G‑d's kindness towards us and express gratitude to G‑d for saving us ever since the times of Jacob, and rescuing us from the slavery and the tormenting of the Egyptians. The owner then beseeches G‑d to continue showering blessing upon us.

Women are not obligated to make this declaration.

Note About Varying Customs

In some editions of the Sefer Hamitzvot Schedule, today's Sefer Hamitzvos (Day 140) has Negative Mitzvah 148 listed instead of Negative Mitzvah 149 (and Day 161 has Negative Mitzvah 149 instead of 148).