
V'Zot HaBerachah Audio Classes

On Simchat Torah we read V'zot Haberachah, the final parshah of the Torah, which concludes the annual Torah reading cycle.

Parshah Insight: V'Zos HaBerachah
A five minute weekly Torah insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut.
Basic Parshah - V'Zot HaBeracha
An overview of the weekly Parshah, through the eyes of the many commentators, enriching your understanding of how our great history unfolded.
The Philosophy of The Bible - V'Zot HaBerachah - Part 1
Part 1 of 2
Examining the weekly Torah reading through the lens of contemporary commentary, showing how topical and relevant the parshah's ideas really are. Both mystical and pragmatic, this lesson will elevate your spirit and refine your view of the world around you.
The Philosophy of The Bible - V'Zot HaBerachah - Part 2
Part 2 of 2
Examining the weekly Torah reading through the lens of contemporary commentary, showing how topical and relevant the parshah's ideas really are. Both mystical and pragmatic, this lesson will elevate your spirit and refine your view of the world around you.
Living With The Times - V'Zot HaBeracha
The five books of Torah are the blueprint for creation. Each Torah portion presents one dimension of the vast eternal plan. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, in his talks revealed the theme of each portion. Presented here is a class on one of these talks.
Parshah Thought: V'Zot HaBerachah
A five minute weekly Torah thought based on the teachings of Chassidut.
The Chassidic Dimension - V'Zot HaBerachah
An in depth presentation of Chassidic teachings on the weekly Parshah.
V'Zot HaBerachah
An advanced presentation of Chassidic teachings on the Parshah.
Chumash and Rashi: V'Zot Haberachah
Parshah with Rabbi Gordon
Parsha Gems: V'Zot HaBerachah
Study some of the highlights of the weekly Torah portion with insights from various commentaries.
Financing Torah Study
Audio | 1:19:07
Financing Torah Study
Practical Parshah—V’Zot HaBerachah
The tribe of Yissachar studied Torah, while the tribe of Zevulun made money to support them. The mitzvah of financially supporting Torah study.
Parshah Insights: V’Zot HaBerachah
Torah Interpretations of the Rebbe
Parshah Mnemonics: V’Zot HaBerachah
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of VeZot HaBerachah contains 41 verses and the mnemonic are the words Ge’uel and Keli. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Daily Chumash: V'zot HaBerachah
A journey through the weekly Torah portion briefly explaining the text in plain English—based on the commentary of Rashi.
Chumash Classes: V'Zot HaBerachah
In depth study of the weekly Torah portion.
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