
Rosh Hashanah Audio Classes

New Year's Message
Preparing ourselves for the upcoming New Year and ensuring that our good resolutions stay with us all year long
Rosh Hashanah Thought
A five minute Rosh Hashanah thought based on the teachings of Chassidut.
Meaningful High Holiday Prayer
Finding meaning in Prayer and its unique High Holiday theme
How to Unlock Blessing for the New Year
Rosh Hashanah’s Silent Message
On Rosh Hashanah, G-d decides everything that's going to happen to everyone for the next year. If there was ever a time to get your requests for blessings in, this would be it. But, how?
Rosh Hashanah Class
Audio | 56:32
Rosh Hashanah Class
A basic analysis of the "objective" of Rosh Hashanah, and why we combine the petition for G-d to be our King with personal requests – a review of the story of Chana.
Kabbalah & the High Holidays
The Kabbalah’s view on the High Holiday period and the build up there-to during the month of Elul.
Our Father Our King
"Avinu Malkeinu - Our Father Our King", from the prayers of the High Holidays; we ask G-d’s for His blessings. But are we referring to Him as our Father or as our King, apparently two entirely different forms of relationships: children or subjects?
Shofar: A Cry for Help
The shofar's poignant sound is a keystone of the Rosh Hashanah experience. Hearing the shofar makes your spine tingle and can evoke powerful emotions. Here's a perspective that may fundamentally change how you experience the shofar this year.
Two Minute Rabbi: Rosh Hashanah
Have you ever met a Rabbi who could give you a piece of his mind in just two minutes? Well, here it is….
Kabbalah on the Shofar
Audio | 1:02:00
Kabbalah on the Shofar
Tradition says that no matter where you roam; with a Shofar you can always phone home. Discover the mystical secrets encrypted into this High Holiday Service hardware. This year, however, the three distinctive ring tones won't be heard. Find out why the sounds of silence will prevail instead.
The King In The Field
Part 1 of 2
Long live the King! What does the start of the year have to do with the crowning of G-d as the king of our world? Join us as we explore the four ways in Torah study in connection with this concept
The Prince Comes Home
Part 2 of 2
When we run to catch a bus downtown, is our will to run, catch the bus or to get the business deal downtown? This class explores the inner will, the external will and what G-d has to do with all of this
The Pomegranate Antidote
A deeper look into eating pomegranates on Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Insight
A five minute Rosh Hashanah insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut.
Meaningful High Holiday Traditions
There are numerous customs and traditions for the high holidays. Are they merely observed due to “tradition” or are there some deeper meanings?
Divine Surges
The Talmud teaches that G-d says to us on Rosh Hashanah: say before me themes of sovereignty and remembrances in order to make me king over you; and how, through shofar. What’s the meaning of this cryptic passage?
Torah Gems - Rosh Hashanah
An in depth look at the holiday of Rosh Hashanah
The Month of Tishrei
A preview to the month of Tishrei and how we prepare our souls for the High Holiday Season.
M-Cast: Rosh Hashanah
Welcome to M-Cast, where we take a look at timely topics and see how they relate to the coming of Moshiach.
The King and I
All truths come in paradox and the same is with Rosh Hashanah wherein great emphasis is placed on the simple recitation of the sacred words of Psalms.
Divine Whispers
The story of the great prophetess Chana is read as part of the Rosh Hashanah services. Many of the laws of prayer are derived from Chana’s conduct. But moreover, Chana also reveals the inner essence of prayer.
High Holiday Essentials - Rosh Hashana
The Shofar - The long and short of it
How can the shofar be your personal wake up call? Are Apples and Honey a prescription for a sweet New Year? And will “Visiting the Pond” help you land newfound wisdom?
Rosh Hashanah - Part 1
Part 1 of 2
If the Shofar is a Biblical commandment, why don't we blow the shofar if Rosh Hashanah coincides with Shabbat?
Rosh Hashanah - Part 2
Part 2 of 2
Days of Awe - Part 1
Part 1 of 3
Holiness in time and space; an introduction to the festival of Rosh Hashanah
How to Re-brand Yourself
A Pre-High Holidays lecture
Five key steps to Teshuvah – how to re-invent yourself – in 21st Century language.
Making the Machzor an Open Book 1
Rosh Hashanah Prayers: part 1
Discover the incredible code of “majesty, memory and symphony” woven into the tapestry we call the Rosh Hashanah service. Gain valuable insight into the timeless meaning “prayer induced renewal”.
Making the Machzor an Open Book 2
Rosh Hashanah Prayers: part 2
Discover the incredible code of “majesty, memory and symphony” woven into the tapestry we call the Rosh Hashanah service. Gain valuable insight into the timeless meaning “prayer induced renewal”.
Why We Dread Rosh Hashanah
Laws and Customs of Rosh Hashanah
Laws of Shofar
Audio | 1:16:55
Laws of Shofar
How to Confuse the Satan
Rosh Hashanah is the grand day of Judgement. Each year we engage in a series of activities to “confuse” the Satan and stymie his prosecutorial attacks on high. But, after all these years, hasn’t he caught on?
The Inner Meaning of Shofar
Audio | 51:01
The Inner Meaning of Shofar
This class presents the deeper meaning to the mitzvah of sounding the shofar.
Sarah and Yitzchak vs. Hagar and Yishmael
The Inside Story
A deeper look at the conflict between Sarah and Hagar, and between Yitzchok and Yishmael. This Rosh Hashanah Torah reading demonstrates the triumph of possibility over probability…
The Binding of Isaac
Audio | 1:21:50
The Binding of Isaac
The Inside Story
A detailed analysis of the perplexing story of the binding of Isaac. Why did G-d test Abraham with this test, and why is it read on Rosh Hashanah?
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