
For the Kids

Stories for children based on the lessons contained in the second chapter of Pirkei Avot -- Ethics of the Fathers.

Ethics 2:1
“This is not right,” thought David. “The young goats should have the tender new grass. The bigger goats have strong teeth. They can eat the hard stubble.”
Ethics 2:1
He dreamt he was standing by the sea, when a group of murderers suddenly grabbed him, and threw him into the water. Rabbi Yitzchak could not swim, and was about to drown…
Ethics 2:1
As the servants were cleaning up and putting everything away, a cry suddenly arose in the household. The goblet was missing. Everyone looked high and low for it, but to no avail. It had vanished.
Ethics 2:1
By the time Eliezer Reuven realized his mistake, both peasants had already gone home. The honest smithy was so upset that he closed his shop, and set off on foot to refund the peasant’s money.
Ethics 2:4
Without even realizing it, he moved his hand to tilt the lamp! Suddenly he stopped himself in mid-air. “What am I doing?” he exclaimed...
Ethics 2:6
The bound man was desperate. “These raindrops will be my witness,” he cried. “They will pay you for your crime!”
Ethics 2:10
The clever servants were all dressed nicely. The foolish ones were afraid they might be locked out if they came late. They came in their soiled clothes, all sweaty from their labors.
Rabbi Chanina and the Rock
Ethics 2:12
But how would he ever get it to the Holy Temple? He would need five strong men to carry it, and they would have to be paid. And Rabbi Chanina barely had five gold coins as his whole life’s savings…
Ethics 2:12
After a year, he said, “If I leave the barley any longer it will spoil, or mice will eat it up. When these poor fellows return, there will be nothing left.”
Ethics 2:13
Amid the raging storm, G-d heard the little boy’s prayer. Suddenly the winds stopped. The ocean became still. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They had been saved.
Ethics of the Fathers is a tractate of the Mishna that details the Torah's views on ethics and interpersonal relationships. Enjoy insights, audio classes and stories on these fascinating topics.
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