
Chapter 3 Audio Classes

Three Things to Know
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:1
Akavya ben Mahalalel said, “Reflect upon three things and you will not come to sin: 1. Know from where you came 2. Know where you are going 3. And before whom you are destined to give an accounting for you actions.
Welfare of the Government
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:2
Rabbi Chanina the deputy High-Priest taught “Pray for the welfare of the government, for were it not for the fear of it, men would swallow one another alive”.
The Yoke of Torah
Audio | 50:30
The Yoke of Torah
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:4
Rabbi Chanina the son of Chachinaey taught “One who is awake at night of travels alone on the road, and turns his heart to idleness, indeed he endangers his life”
Ten Jews & G-d's Presence
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:6
Rabbi Chalafta ben Dosa of Kfar Chananya explained “If ten people sit together and occupy themselves with Torah, the Divine Presence rests among them”
Audio | 53:25
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:8
Rabbi Dusta'i the son of Rabbi Yannai would say in the name of Rabbi Meir: Anyone who forgets even a single word of his learning, the Torah considers it as if…
Piety Precedes Wisdom
Audio | 1:01:08
Piety Precedes Wisdom
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:9
Rabbi Chanina the son of Dosa would say: One whose fear of sin takes precedence to his wisdom, his wisdom endures. But one whose wisdom takes precedence to his fear of sin, his wisdom does not endure.
G‑d Likes a Mentch
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:10
One who is pleasing to his fellow men is pleasing to G‑d. But one who is not pleasing to his fellow men is not pleasing to G‑d.
Ultimate Profanity
Audio | 1:01:59
Ultimate Profanity
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:11
One, who profanes the kodoshim, degrades the Festivals, humiliates his friend in public, abrogates the covenant of our father Abraham, or who interprets the Torah contrary to its true intent… has no share in the World to Come.
Audio | 1:02:55
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:13
Rabbi Akiva would say: Jesting and frivolity accustom a person to promiscuity. Tradition is a safety fence to Torah, tithing a safety fence to wealth, vows a safety fence for abstinence; a safety fence for wisdom is silence.
The Virtues of Humanity
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:14
The Preciousness of the Jew
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:14
Everything is Seen
Audio | 1:02:35
Everything is Seen
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:15
All is foreseen, and freedom of choice is granted. The world is judged with goodness, but in accordance with the amount of man's positive deeds.
The Collector
Audio | 55:23
The Collector
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:15-16
…The collection-officers make their rounds every day and exact payment from man, with his knowledge and without his knowledge….
Torah and Morality
Audio | 47:37
Torah and Morality
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:17
Rabbi Eliezer the son of Azariah would say: If there is no Torah, there is no common decency; if there is no common decency, there is no Torah.
The Meat of Torah
Audio | 47:07
The Meat of Torah
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 3:18
Rabbi Eliezer Chisma would say: the laws of kinin (bird offerings) and the laws of menstrual periods--these, these are the meat of Halachah (Torah law). The calculations of solar seasons and gematria are the condiments of wisdom.
Ethics of the Fathers is a tractate of the Mishna that details the Torah's views on ethics and interpersonal relationships. Enjoy insights, audio classes and stories on these fascinating topics.
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