
Chapter 2 Audio Classes

Keeping a Balance
Audio | 50:06
Keeping a Balance
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 2:1
In this class you will learn some historical context to the authoring of the mishnah and the meaning of the Sages teaching that one should lead a balanced lifestyle.
Big or Small
Audio | 49:29
Big or Small
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 2:1
“Be as careful in minor commandments as of a major one” -- What defines larger or smaller commandments?
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 2:1
“Be as careful in minor commandments as of a major one” -- What does G-d judge us by: the actual achievements or the work and emotion that is put into performing the commandments?
Torah vs. Profession
Ethics of our Fathers: Avot 2:2
“It is good to combine the study of Torah with an occupation” -- Which is more important, studying Torah or doing a profession.
Community Matters
Audio | 48:27
Community Matters
Ethics of Our Fathers: Avot 2:2
“All who occupy themselves with the affairs of the community shall be engaged with them for the sake of G-d" -- Why you should or shouldn’t be involved in community matters.
Torah & Work
Audio | 54:29
Torah & Work
Ethics of our Fathers: Avot 2:2
Beautiful is the study of Torah with the way of the world, for the toil of them both causes sin to be forgotten. Ultimately, all Torah study that is not accompanied with work is destined to cease and to cause sin.
The Relationship of Torah Study
Ethics of our Fathers: Avot 2:8
“If you have learned much Torah, do not take credit for yourself---it is for this that you have been formed.”
Ethics of the Fathers is a tractate of the Mishna that details the Torah's views on ethics and interpersonal relationships. Enjoy insights, audio classes and stories on these fascinating topics.
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