
Murder of Rabbi Zvi Kogan

A Week of Kosher for Zvi
How we can honor Rabbi Zvi Kogan, who was murdered by terrorists in the UAE
Fear Is Not an Option
Walk tall as a Jew and fill in the void Zvi Kogan left behind.
Chabad Rabbi Zvi Kogan, 28, Murdered by Terrorists in the UAE
Chabad emissary in United Arab Emirates remembered for his kindness
Funeral of Rabbi Zvi Kogan, 28, Takes Place in Torrential Downpour
Chabad emissary murdered in UAE, laid to rest in Israel
LIVE Broadcast: Funeral for Rabbi Zvi Kogan
The funeral for Rabbi Tzvi Kogan, Chabad emissary in United Arab Emirates, who was murdered by terrorists, will be broadcast live from Kfar Chabad, Israel. The broadcast will include a simultaneous English translation of the Hebrew speeches at the funeral.
How Chabad Gives Me Hope
It’s no surprise that after we heard news of Rabbi Kogan’s murder, numerous young Chabad couples declared their intent to do more.
10 Facts About Jewish Life in the UAE
The UAE is home to a thriving Jewish community, featuring Chabad-sponsored synagogues, summer camps, abundant opportunities for Jewish education, and kosher restaurants.
When a Chabad Rabbi is Attacked
Because we were not caught by surprise, we were uniquely positioned to respond.
My Friend, Rabbi Zvi Kogan
The Jewish world is mourning Zvi Kogan, a trendsetting rabbi who did so much for Judaism in the UAE.
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