We don’t usually think of the kitchen as a holy space. Yet eating, when done mindfully, is a holy act which renders all your cooking utensils divine instruments. This explains why they need to be immersed in a mikvah―a ritual pool―before use.
If it comes in direct contact with food or drink, it needs a dip. That includes percolators, measuring cups, and those parts of a blender that touch the food. If it doesn’t come in contact with ready-to-eat food (examples: meat grinders or kneading bowls), dip without a blessing. Same with storage utensils that are not brought to the table.
Eating, when done mindfully, is a holy act which renders all your cooking utensils divine instrumentsDip utensils made of metal, glass or Corelle with a blessing. No need to dip wood, stone, paper, bone, unglazed earthenware, plastic, synthetic materials and disposable items, or a utensil that was manufactured and always owned by a Jew. China should be dipped without a blessing.
Head to your local mikvah. Before the dip, make sure your utensil is clear of dirt, rust or stickers. Those stickers often leave their stickiness behind, so check for that as well.
Blessed are You, L‑rd our G‑d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the immersion of (a) vessel(s).
Totally submerge the utensil in the mikvah water. Loosen your grip to allow the water to reach the utensil’s entire surface all at once.
- If your utensil was used for non-kosher food, the dip is not enough. Click here to learn how to make it kosher.
- Food placed in an un-immersed utensil is still kosher—just remove it from there as soon as possible.
- Only utensils currently under Jewish ownership require immersion.
- Utensils that have already been used without immersion still require immersion.
- No local dish mikvah? There are also certain natural bodies of water where one may be allowed to immerse dishes. Contact a local rabbi for the qualifications.
Learn more in this in-depth article.
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