Shabbat Mitzvot
Shabbat Candles Feminine Light
With certain mitzvot, the light we generate can actually be seen and appreciated. The candles that lend a soft and peaceful atmosphere to the holy Day of Rest is one such mitzvah . . .
Kabbalat Shabbat Welcoming the Bride With Prayer and Song
Prayer is not just another item on Shabbat’s task list; it’s part of the day’s definition. Without the pressures of the workweek, we become more contemplative and focused—just the state required for real prayer.
Kiddush Wine Before You Dine
Shabbat enters with words of wonder poured upon sweet wine. We call it Kiddush, a ritual of words and drink, a magical bridge from the harried weekday to the day of rest.
Shabbat Meals Uplifting Food
Central to Shabbat are sumptuous meals – Friday night and Shabbat lunch – when families can bond and be inspired. We delight in the Shabbat by partaking of appetizing foods and drinks.
Shabbat Morning Services Prayers and Torah Reading
A quick overview of the Shabbat morning prayers, the reading of the Torah, the Mussaf, and the Shabbat afternoon prayers.
Shabbat Rest A Change of Focus
By resting on Shabbat, we attest to G‑d’s creation of the world, and bring our lives into sync with the divine cycle of creation and rest.
Havdalah Make Light, Not Dark
As the Shabbat Queen departs and darkness descends, the Havdalah ceremony fills us with hope and courage.
The Melaveh Malkah Bidding farewell to the Shabbat Queen
The aftertaste of Havdalah wine swiftly dissolves from our palate, but the afterglow of Shabbat lingers on.
So we sit down to a special meal to “escort the queen”—the queen being the day of Shabbat.
Shabbat Preparations I Get the Home Ready for the Shabbat Queen
Shabbat preparations make Shabbat all the more meaningful and precious. The hard work drives home the understanding that we will soon be visited by a special guest—the Shabbat Queen.
Shabbat Preparations II Prepare Foods and Self
How to prepare yourself for Shabbat, and how to have all the food prepared in advance in honor of Shabbat.