
Classes on the Daily Rambam

Learn the daily lesson of Maimonides with renowned scholars and expert teachers.

Rambam With Rabbi Gordon
Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah
Rabbi Gordon studies one chapter a day from Maimonides’ classic legal work of Mishneh Torah. The original Hebrew text is read and then translated and clearly explained in English.
Rambam with Rabbi YY Jacobson
Learning Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah
Master teacher Rabbi YY Jacobson studies one chapter a day from Rambam’s classic legal work of Mishneh Torah. The original text is read and clearly explained in English for all to understand and appreciate.
Learn Rambam in English
Three chapters a day
Rabbi Resnick offers clear and to-the-point classes in plain English on the daily portion of Rambam’s Mishneh Torah for the 3 chapters a day cycle.
Sefer HaMitzvot with Rabbi Kaplan
Maimonides’ Book of Mitzvot
Join Rabbi Kaplan as he explores the daily lesson in Maimonides' Sefer HaMitzvos following the daily study cycle. You'll complete all 613 commandments in just under a year!
Rambam Audio Classes
Text-based Classes on Mishneh Torah
The Mishneh Torah is Maimonides' (the "Rambam" -- Rabbi Moses ben Maimon) magnum opus, a work spanning hundreds of chapters and describing all of the laws mentioned in the Torah.
Sefer Hamitzvos with Rabbi Bell
Daily Classes on the Book of Mitzvot
Classes on Maimonides' classic work Sefer HaMitzvot as divided according to the daily study cycle; a concise description of each of the 613 Biblical commandments.
Short Insights on the Daily Rambam
Beautiful insights from the Rebbe on each chapter of Mishneh Torah (primarily culled from the sefer Pardes HaMelech).
The most renowned of the Jewish medieval scholars, Maimonides indelibly changed the face of Judaism. Read about his scholarship and achievements, and the modern-day global campaign to incorporate his teachings into every Jew’s daily study schedule.
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