First and foremost I would like to thank G‑d for the great privilege of disseminating the teachings of Hassidism and for having granted me the merit to serve as an emissary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (1902-1994) to bring the teachings of Torah and Hassidism to South London. I would also like to thank my wife and family for their utmost devotion as full partners in this holy work.
My heartfelt thanks go to Stuart and Jacquie Katz who have so generously dedicated this book in memory of their parents. May G‑d bless them with all that is good both materially and spiritually, all in good health.
Deepest thanks to my esteemed friend Rabbi Chaim Rapoport for editing the text and for all his valuable comments and suggestions, and to Rabbi Yossi Ives who helped develop the book in its embryonic stages. Thanks also to Daniel Saunders for all technical support and administration of the website and for all his good work in our joint Shlichus.
Final thanks to Rivkah Chilungu for final editing work, and Yonason and Hila Gordon of Dwelling Place Publishing for overseeing the project.
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