With gratitude to G‑d, I present The Key to Kabbalah— Book One—Discovering Jewish Mysticism. Today is the age of spiritual tourism in which thousands of Jews are searching for deeper meaning to life. People pay attention when you mention the word Kabbalah—they are genuinely fascinated by its lure, and the present volume offers an introduction into the history, principles, and practical application of this inner wisdom.
In November , I attended a workshop run by the Ascent Institute of Safed Israel, held at the International Conference of ChaBaD emissaries in New York. Rabbis Shaul Leiter, Yerachmiel Tilles and Eyal Reiss shared their experience of thousands of young Jews finding their Jewish roots through the search for Jewish mysticism. The workshop inspired me to start an organization in the UK called KabbalahUK.com. Using a website as its gateway, the aim of KabbalahUK.com is the dissemination of Kabbalistic and chassidic teachings in the UK.
Since its inception we have been inundated with requests for lectures and reading material. This book is a product of the research for those lectures and their adaptation for the audience, which are primarily composed of highly secular educated, traditional Jews. I have purposely not annotated the text in order to give it more popular usage; however the reader may contact us through the website for source material.
It is my fervent hope and prayer that this work will serve as an important contribution in the dissemination of the wellsprings of Hassidism which will hasten the arrival of Mashiach, speedily in our days Amen.
Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov
Director—ChaBaD Lubavitch of
South London and KabbalahUK.com
ChaBaD House Wimbledon
Chai Elul 5765
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