Take the cup of wine in the right hand, pass it to the left hand, and lower it onto the palm of the right hand. The cup should be held approximately 9 inches above the table throughout the Kiddush. Those listening to the Kiddush should respond Amen as indicated.

Glance at the Shabbat candles, then say:

Yohm hah-shee-shee.

Vah-yeh-khoo-loo hah-shah-mah-yim veh-hah-ah-rehtz veh-khohl tzeh-vah-ahm. Vah-yeh-khal eh-loh-him bah-yohm hah-sheh-vee-ee meh-lakh-toh ah-shehr ah-sah, vah-yish-boht bah-yohm hah-sheh-vee-ee mee-kohl meh-lakh-toh ah-shehr ah-sah. Vah-yeh-vah-rekh eh-loh-him eht yohm hah-sheh-vee-ee vah-yeh-kah-daysh oh-toh, kee voh shah-vaht mee-kohl meh-lakh-toh ah-shehr bah-rah eh-loh-him lah-ah-soht.

Glance at the wine (or grape juice) and say:

Sahv-ree mah-rah-nahn!

Bah-rookh ah-tah ah-doh-noi eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lekh hah-oh-lahm, boh-ray peh-ree hah-gah-fehn. (Amen)

Bah-rookh ah-tah ah-doh-noi eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lekh hah-oh-lahm, ah-shehr kee-deh-shah-noo beh-mitz-voh-tahv veh-rah-tzah bah-noo veh-shah-baht kod-shoh beh-ah-hah-vah oo-veh-rah-tzohn hin-khee-lah-noo, zee-kah-rohn leh-mah-ah-say veh-ray-sheet. Teh-khee-lah leh-mik-rah-ay koh-desh, zay-khehr lee-tzee-aht mitz-rah-yim. Kee vah-noo vah-khahr-tah veh-oh-tah-noo kee-dahsh-tah mee-kohl hah-ah-mim, veh-shah-baht kod-sheh-khah beh-ah-hah-vah oo-veh-rah-tzohn hin-khahl-tah-noo. Bah-rookh ah-tah ah-doh-noi, meh-kah-daysh hah-shah-baht. (Amen)

Drink at least two ounces while seated.