
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)

Day 8: Negative Commandment 64; Positive Commandment 8, 6, 206

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Negative Commandment 64 (Digest)
Testing G‑d

"Do not test the L-rd, your G‑d"Deuteronomy 6:16.

Once a prophet has been established as a true prophet – either through accurately forecasting the future on several occasions, or through the testimony of another established prophet – it is forbidden to further test or doubt his words.

Positive Commandment 8 (Digest)
Emulating G‑d

"And walk in His ways"Deuteronomy 28:9.

We are commanded to emulate G‑d's ways. As the Midrash explains, "Just as G‑d is merciful, you should be merciful; just as G‑d is gracious, you should be gracious; G‑d is righteous, you too should be righteous; G‑d is pious, you too should be pious."

Positive Commandment 6 (Digest)
Clinging to the Sages

"And cleave to Him"Deuteronomy 11:22.

We are instructed to mingle with the sages and interact with them whenever possible: join in their meals, do business with them, etc. This way we will learn from their ways and come to adopt their true beliefs.

The verse tells us to "cleave" to G‑d—but is it possible to cleave to G‑d who is likened to a consuming fire? Rather this means that we must cleave to Torah scholars.

Positive Commandment 206 (Digest)
Loving Our Fellow

"Love your fellow as yourself"Leviticus 19:18.

We are commanded to love and care for our fellow Jew as we love and care for ourselves. We should treasure our fellow and his possessions as we treasure our own. Whatever I wish for myself, I wish also for my fellow; and whatever I dislike for myself, I should also not want to befall him.

From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Daily Quote
Everything is placed in pledge, and a net is spread over all the living. The store is open, the storekeeper extends credit, the account-book lies open, the hand writes, and all who wish to borrow may come and borrow. The collection-officers make their rounds every day and exact payment from man, with his knowledge and without his knowledge. Their case is well founded, the judgement is a judgement of truth, and ultimately, all is prepared for the feast.
  –Rabbi Akiva (Ethics of the Fathers 3:16)
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