During the latest war in Lebanon, a hand grenade was tossed into the house where Major Roi Klein and his unit were stationed. Klein told his men, "Report that I've been killed" and jumped on the live grenade, blocking the explosion with his body. Klein was killed on the spot, but his soldiers were saved by his act of self-sacrifice. His buddies reported that Roi died with Shema Yisrael on his lips.
This past Wednesday marked the three year anniversary of the death of Roi and seven other soldiers from the Golinali 51st.
Some surviving soldiers of that brigade, who are now touring India, asked us to help them arrange a fitting memorial for their departed comrades in arms.
Two hours later, the Chabad house filled with ex-soldiers. Candles were lit, prayers were recited, and all of those in attendance donned tefillin (some for the first time). After a short prayer for Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier who is being held hostage by Hamas, the solemn ceremony ended on an upbeat note as we all broke into a whirling dance and sang Am Yisrael Chai.