
Cell Phone

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I knew it wouldn’t be easy to give up my smartphone on Shabbat and the holidays.
Question: I have a siddur app on my iPhone. Some people say I should only pray with a real paper and cardboard siddur. Will G‑d still listen if my siddur is electronic instead? Answer: Aside from holding the entire Torah, Talmud, Maimonides, Code of Jewis...
What do we desire deep, deep down in our nutty little souls? To aim a camera and take a picture of G‑d Himself
Jono Gets a new cell phone so he can play snake all the time. Hilarity ensues.
Here’s what last week’s panic taught me
“You should remove WhatsApp from your phone!” a friend of mine messaged me frantically (on WhatsApp, of course!). “Why?” I asked. “Because they changed their terms and conditions. Now, Mark Zuckerberg can read everything you write,” he replied. “That’s gr...
Very soon, you may witness an unbelievably powerful sight. But the last thing you should do is take a picture of it. Right now, you’re reading this on a device. Perhaps it’s a laptop at a coffee shop or desktop at work, a smartphone in your hand on the tr...
How not to be the tool of a tool
That, Kabbalistically understood, the smartphone is nothing less than the flower of technological wisdom is a proposition I ventured to put forth in a recent article on the innermost chochmah of this wondrous pocket appliance. The proposition, to my flabb...
A Kabbalistic Appraisal
“A man is talking on the telephone behind a glass partition. We can’t hear him, but we see his pointless pantomime. We wonder why he is alive.”
When Steve Jobs gave his commencement speech at Stanford University, his topic was “How to Live Before You Die.” Since most of us have no idea how much time we have left on this earth, we live as if it is endless. Steve Jobs wasn’t so fortunate. His time,...
"You see," Ben said to Danny as they started off towards school, "the mobile phone lasts a long time but it still needs to get charged every so often, just like my Dad..."
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