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Part II
Here are some more in-depth answers and advice regarding how to get your little one to sleep at night!
Part I
Nothing compares to the beauty and joy of giving birth to a healthy, beautiful baby. But knowing what to do with this new little thing can be quite overwhelming! Here are some great tips and advice for adjusting to life with your newborn...
Being a Mommy
It’s eight o’clock in the morning. My husband leaves to take the kids to school. I am sitting on the couch nursing our three-week-old baby. Four hours later he returns and finds me in the same spot, doing the same thing. I have barely moved; I have not ac...
It's been two years. Two years of holding my son close to my heart and feeding him from the milk that flowed forth from my body. Two years of sleepless nights and exhausted days...
Shavuot mystically corresponds to the weaning of the newborn soul.
Shavuot mystically corresponds to the weaning of the newborn soul.
I know that I am her mother and know far better than she what's good and what's bad for her. But whether or not her limited view of reality is a valid one, is irrelevant: to her, her pain is real
What is it about a baby that is so charismatic? Why do we not only tolerate a baby's disregard for social norms and her invasion of our personal space -- but even enjoy it?
Ours is definitely a give-and-take relationship: I give her everything I've got, and she takes. Yet precisely because she doesn't give anything in return is the connection so strong
Parsha Curiosities: Vayeira
Isaac's baby bash attracts some pretty rude guests and crude comments. In trying to understand the irreverent behavior of an oversized world leader, a surprising narrative emerges in a remarkable true story of the Biblical origin of the proverbial rocking...
Something Spiritual on Parshat Shelach
An alternate reading into the Torah’s words related to the mitzvah of separating challah provides instruction on when to begin educating our youth in yiddishkeit.
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