Waste; Garbage |
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Recycling (5)
The Torah is called a “tree of life,” Proverbs 3:18. showing how trees connect to the highest Jewish values. Trees also symbolize a healthy and sustainable environment. The Torah is called a “tree of life.” “When G‑d created the first man, He took him and...
Words of our sages concerning respect for all creations
They passed by a carcass rotting by the side of the road and one of the men exclaimed, “What a stench this carcass makes!” Upon which the pious man commented, “It has fine white teeth.” Meaning, “Why are you speaking of its ugliness? Contemplate that ther...
Avoiding words that contaminate our environment.
Does the partitioning of household waste in an elaborate classification system have implications for our spiritual lives?
Words - like garbage - can fertilize growth, be recycled into something useful, or contaminate your world...
Life is mostly waste. Take food, for example: we spend many hours earning the money, shopping, cooking, eating, and then most of it passes right through our bodies and into the city's sewer system
The commandment of Bal Tashchit—do not destroy or waste—has long been considered central to a Jewish environmental ethic. What is the basis for the commandment?
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