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The pressure of dieting and physical appearance is something that my eight-year-old daughter is already aware of! Occasionally she will pat her round little belly and ask me if I think that she is fat. She is a little chubbier than some of her friends, bu...
Working with Anorexia
A year ago I started working with young women who have Eating Disorders. It is not an easy job. I have moments where I want to quit. I tell myself, "I'm not qualified for this. I'm not strong enough for this. I just can't do it." My boss tells me, "If you...
My 14 year old daughter used to be a little overweight. In the past two months she's lost a significant amount of weight but doesn't show any signs of letting up on her diet. How can I be sure she doesn't develop anorexia nervosa? Sara Chana Radcliffe sha...
I had no idea what I was doing to myself until one day I remember my mother crying to me, “Bubbie and Zadie (Grandmother and Grandfather) were starved in a concentration camp for their granddaughter to starve herself?”
He is 15 or 50; he is white or black; his hair is blond, brunette, streaked with gray; Like the anorectic, he may be a she.
You see, she is fat and ugly. She has hair that sometimes frizzes, legs that are too long, and what tops it off is the most horrendous skin between her thumb and forefinger. Is this true? Any of it? Yes, all of it. Why? Because that is how she sees hersel...
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