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How we access divine mercy on the High Holidays
A central theme in the High Holiday prayers are the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy. Discover their deeper significance, mystical meaning and the powerful energy uncovered in calling forth G-d’s mercy.
It was hard to concentrate. Words were spinning in my head, like a wheel of anxiety.
If I truly have so much faith in my levels of compassion, then why can I be so kindhearted toward an unhealthy baby, but lose my patience so easily with my perfectly healthy twins?
G-d has compassion on His children… including the Egyptians!
G-d has compassion on His children… including the Egyptians!
Jewish Ethics: Lesson 5
We examine two mitzvas which illustrate how Torah expects us to be compassionate to others. The first is visiting the sick. The second is the prohibition (Deuteronomy 19:14) "Do not place a stumbling block before the blind," which can be interpreted to me...
I never really thought about the impact he made, until he wasn’t there....
Suddenly Papa Yosef Chayim heard a sharp knock on the door. Curious who would be visiting at such an hour, he got up and opened the door. To his shock, he found a burly robber pointing a pistol directly in his face...
Compassion is imbued into the very fabric of existence.
Compassion is imbued into the very fabric of existence.
Changing the world one song at a time
Shaindel’s rhythmic music appeals to women of all ages. But Shaindel has a special gift in her has resonance with teenage girls. “I really write and sing especially for them. I know that many teens think—everyone else is perfect, while my life doesn’t mak...
The blessing in the broken-down car
Suddenly, to their surprise a car pulled over and a very Aryan looking man got out, walked over to them and asked if he could help...
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