
Peshitut (Simplicity)

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The Omnipotence Paradox
You see a ray of light from the sun shining in through your window. "Where did you come from?" you ask. It answers, of course, that it came from the sun. So you ask it, "Let me see what you look like as you are in your source within the sun..."
When the Infinite Light takes form to create a world, its simplicity allows it to become all things. But if it becomes all things, how does it remain simple? This is the secret of the most utterly simple: Even within form, it holds memory of its simplicit...
The simple faith of a sophisticated man has more dimensions and a richer texture . . .
The very virtues of the other three kinds—the understanding of the lulav, the feeling of the hadas, the across-the-board perfection of the etrog—spell their deficiency.
When the holy was finally allowed to penetrate to the depths where it belongs, heaven was made a neighborhood
From one, many. This, the Lubavitcher Rebbe points out, is also the common feature of every system of the universe, from the galaxies to the atom, from the human being to the cells of which he is made
Yom Kippur is the day that our animal, emotional, intellectual and spiritual selves are linked to form a harmonious one
Likkutei Sichos, Vol. VI, p. 107ff. I. “And on the third day, when it was morning, there were sounds (Kolos) and lightning; and there was a heavy cloud on the mountain. And the sound (Kol) of the shofar [resounded] very powerfully... And the sound (Kol) o...
- "I know my son, I know. Also he shall become a nation, also he shall be great; but his younger brother shall be greater than he…" (48:19) The wholesome simplicity of a simple Jew touches upon the utterly simple essence of G-d. Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov...
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