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Snake (13)
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The First Man and Woman, G-d’s Blessing, The Garden of Eden, The Serpent, The First Commandment, The Plot, The First Sin, Their Excuse, The Punishment, Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
Letters and Numbers of Torah—Shemini
In the verse (Leviticus 11:42) that prohibits the eating of creatures that slither on their bellies, the Hebrew word for belly (gachon) is spelled with a large-sized letter vav. How does this allude to our inner struggle against the evil inclination, whic...
I assume you are referring to the following incident related in the Torah: In the fortieth year of their desert sojourn, the Jews complained regarding the manna, which was the staple of their diet. G‑d regarded this as a “slap in the face,” a demonstratio...
"Is that such a terrible curse?" Rabbi Bunem pondered. "It means that the snake is never hungry. Dust is everywhere; his table is always full, no matter where he goes..."
As they disappear beneath the waves, we wonder whether our efforts are futile. Ten bags, twenty bags, thirty bags... It hasn't worked so far, so what's the point of continuing?
People have become so sophisticated that they no longer believe in or understand anything anymore. Basic words, such as "friend", "enemy", "land" and "life" become totally incomprehensible
Time for Torah: Bereishit
The downfall of the snake and the power of transformation.
Eve had just one commandment: not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Yet she ate and invited Adam to do the same. The classic commentators discuss why she ever listened to the snake.
The truth was that Rafi wasn't feeling very happy with himself either. He wasn't feeling proud of his behavior at all. How had he done such a horrible thing?
Adam and Eve were the first humans, created by G‑d on the sixth day of Creation and ancestors to all of mankind.
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