
Two Tablets, The

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Of the two tablets, one symbolized Heaven, the other Earth.
Of the two tablets, one symbolized Heaven, the other Earth
A Taste of Text—Terumah
The Tabernacle was to be built by every man, woman and child. Even a Jew who may appear to be a sinner is still obligated and capable of building a dwelling for G‑d.
Question: I read in the Torah that Moses came down from the mountain with two tablets of stone, Exodus 31:18. but did not see anything about their size, shape, or what kind of stone they were made of. Can you shed some light? Response: The Dimensions: Tra...
Every Jewish person is a potential temple for G‑d, and every individual is the serving high priest in his or her personal temple. The goal of the Yom Kippur prayer service is to access the Holy of Holies of this temple...
Is there ever a good reason to destroy a national treasure? A trip to the National Archives got me thinking about this subject...
The right-hand tablet contained 146 words. The left-hand tablet had only 26 words. Yet tradition has it that both tablets were filled with writing. How did 26 words equal the space of 146 words?
Does G‑d care if I cheat on my taxes? Am I going to be a better husband/wife/parent if I keep kosher? Are these the same question?
When you find the Infinite, where will you put it? In your broken vessel? It will not stay. In a new, whole one? It will not fit...
Why were the first set of tablets given with such fanfare?
How the last words reveal what Torah is really all about
What did Moses accomplish by shattering the tablets?
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