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It’s an ancient Jewish tradition, dating back to Abraham himself.
Rabbi, I appreciate your invitation to join your classes, but I just don’t have time in my life for spirituality right now . . .
Doesn't G‑d already know what we're going to say?
I tell myself that Marnie loves being a victim, maybe even suffers from some kind of martyr complex. It’s as if she’s trying to reinvent a famous heroine burnt by the stake...
I'm in my first year of marriage and I’m having difficulties coping with my husband. I find that I am always criticizing him and I really don’t want to be but it is as if I can’t stop...
For the first time since his mission began, he could see defeat staring him in the face.
And how I conquered it
When I’m in my irritable mood, I don’t want to listen to a single complaint from anyone in my household.
My entire life, I have always been a “grass is greener on the other side” type of person. I keep telling myself that I have nothing to complain about. And there are times that it works. But then there are these moments when I start to think, “What if my l...
I say that the economy has been tough on everyone, and he should be thankful for whatever opportunity he was given. He just complains, and last night he told me that he was thinking about quitting.
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