Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Raskin |
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Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Raskin serves as the dayan of the Lubavitch community in London, U.K.
Does a bagel with lox count as two foods? Does hosting a guest for a meal on Purim day count as mishloach manot? Is a sachet of coffee considered food?
The earliest mention of selling chametz for the duration of Pesach is in the Tosefta,Pesachim #2. in a scenario of a Jew traveling long-distance by boat. He has food supplies with him, including chametz. If he finishes his provisions before Pesach he won’...
One of the primary mitzvot of Purim is reading the Megillah. In many ways, this mitzvah resembles the communal reading of the Torah (which is performed more than 200 times a year); the Megillah is written by a sofer (scribe) on parchment in Ashuri script,...
Many are looking at the prospect of praying at home over the upcoming High Holidays—probably for the first time in their conscious memories
In the era of COVID-19, minyanim are being formed in compliance with social-distance guidelines, possibly precluding men from being called to the Torah and standing near the reader. Is it acceptable to recite the blessings on the Torah from afar?
Important things to keep in mind for before and during Purim.
Walking on Shabbat between Borehamwood and Edgware
An acquaintance of mine resides in the London neighborhood of Borehamwood, while some of his adult children live in Edgware. The walk between their homes is about half an hour. Borehamwood and Edgware are separated by a large green area. My friend approac...
As the family dynamics change, sometimes we’re left with not enough “diners” to do justice to a shiur challah of bread over Shabbos
Wine has been with us since Creation.Come explore some practical examples of where the prohibition of wine handled by a non-Jew come into play.
Find out which tasks - that we may not do on Shabbat - may we request a gentile to perform on our behalf?
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