
Ritual Purity

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It can be said that the creation of tumah resembles the production of a magnetic field.
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This week's portion states (Numbers 19:15) "Any open vessel which has no seal fastened around it becomes unclean." Based on this verse, Maimonides discusses various scenarios in which the contents of a vessel with a tight-fitting lid (Heb. "tzamid patil")...
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Chana Question: My question is on the subject of cleanness of a mother after the birth of a male or female (Leviticus 12). The woman is unclean for seven days after a male birth, and after the birth of a female the mother is unclean for fourteen days. Why...
Question: Positive Mitzvah 107 states: Impurity of coming in contact with a dead body -- Numbers 19:11: "He that touches the dead body of any man shall be unclean." How do the people who handle the bodies of the dead and see to it that they are buried pro...
Moses was baffled when G‑d described for him the impurity contracted through contact with a corpse. Why?
In Judaism, spiritual purity is a desirable factor. This has nothing to do with hygiene and personal cleanliness; it is a spiritual state called taharah—what we will call “purity.” The opposite of taharah is tumah, which we call “impurity.” But the truth ...
“Ritually pure”—what, exactly, is that? What properties does a ritually pure sample of olive oil have that the others don’t?
Don't try to challenge consensus. Don't bother with the lost cases. And stay away from the G-d stuff, unless there's some sort of angle
This is the parshah that deals with the Parah Adumah (Red Heifer). For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Parah Adumah, I’ll try very briefly to summarize the main points. In Yiddishkeit, spiritual purity is a desirable factor. This has nothing to d...
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