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Waiting (9)
Beneath all those longings and fears, beneath even the anticipation of honeyed blessings, lies—I sense—a deeper waiting . . .
The author's experiences with prison inmates leads him to think that criminals aren't the only ones who are doing time...
I am constricted, I am uncomfortable, I am in pain. I am in exile from my body, my emotions and my true state of being. I am anxious and annoyed and annoying. I am actually experiencing galut for the first time
Did anyone notice how, though they sat on separate chairs not touching, they sat as close as two people could without touching?
Noah’s dispatch of the dove from the ark: passive and active anticipation.
Miriam shows us how to wait. With bitterness over our suffering but not with despair.
There had been a glitch in the computer system and appointments had been double-booked. In short, it was a mess, and the wait would be very long.
I felt, G‑d forbid, like a sitting duck, waiting at a popular intersection for a bus that was taking forever to arrive.
When I found out I had been accepted into the Lung Transplant Program due to emphysema, one of the first things I did was re-write the lyrics to the song "Matchmaker"...
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