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Feel blessed if you are shame-bound rather than shameless! For you, the outlook is positive. Getting rid of excess shame is a like losing weight—it takes awareness and discipline. Go slowly, as this is a difficult “addiction,” probably the mother of all a...
Yes, you have battle scars, but they are proof of your strength, wisdom and courage...
Parshat Behar
One should be extremely careful to never shame another in public. This sin is akin to murder; just as blood is spilled in the act of murder, so too when one is shamed the blood drains from his face...
How to deal with anxiety and worry, depression and self-pity, nagging guilt, feelings of inadequacy and self-blame. Only once liberated from all the above can the soul soar freely.
As soon as the Tabernacle was erected, G‑d instructed that seven lights be kindled on the candelabra every day. Surprised, Moses asked, "Dear G‑d, You are the Master of light, do You require light from us?"
Negative Commandment 303
"And don't bear sin because of him"—Leviticus 19:17. It is forbidden to shame or embarrass one another. We derive this from the verse: "You shall certainly rebuke your neighbor, and don't bear sin because of him." Even when we rebuke a fellow for a sin he...
Sticks, Stones & Names That Hurt Me
Which crime is worse, financial exploitation or verbal abuse? “Money can be reimbursed,” the Talmud notes, “but the hurt from words is irreparable . . .”
My wife has no sense of humor. She says I make fun of her in public, and gets all upset and insulted. Shouldn't she be able to take a joke?
Like the bumps on a highway that you feel when you're weaving out of your lane, embarrassment is a warning sign telling you that you crossed a border, that you are trespassing. If you accidentally stray out of the proper lane, you are ashamed and you feel...
Our Parshah ends with a curious commandment: not to embarrass stones
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