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A Once-In-28-Years Insight
I am the queen of masking tape. Labels are my forte... But there are some things that I have been trying to label for years and fallen short. Grass. Sunshine. The lovely vicissitudes of weather...
How We Define Ourselves
Today's world demands labels. Labels make us feel important, give us a sense of belonging. But is my Jewish identity just the sum of a few labels?...
My son confirmed the merits of our fastidious labelling system, and how it prevented his clothes from getting lost in the notorious clothes-eating camp laundromat. And I began to consider the benefits of labels. Not only on clothes. But for people, too...
Our perception of who we are is deeply influenced by the labels that other people attach to us. And when it comes from people who are important to us, these labels stick much longer
Orthodox. Conservative. Reform. Reconstructionist. Secular. Religious... Where did all these labels come from? Did Moses organize the people around Mt Sinai in accordance with their denominational affiliations?
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