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She's calm, with both hands firmly on the wheel. His free hand gesticulates wildly out the window, punctuating the expletives pouring from his mouth. He's fuming. She's oblivious. I'm tickled.
Are you in control of your life? Or have you lost control? Instead of guiding your emotional response, does the anger actually control you?
The more I think I control, the less I am in control.
I pray that I will be able to take care of myself for a long time.
Choosing My Faith Over My Fear
In my pursuit to be “helpful,” I was quickly killing the intimacy in my marriage.
I confess: After 35 years of living as an observant woman, I am pretty mediocre and irregular at davening (prayer).
Both husbands and wives can ask each other to change some aspect of their behavior in order to bring about improvement. This is not the same as trying to control one’s partner...
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