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Rooster (4)
A rooster crows at the beginning of each day, some time before it gets light. When it senses that dawn will break soon, and light is on the way to substitute the darkness, he emits the crowing noise...
My grandmother, Zelda, was born in 1924 in a city called Samara in the former Soviet Union. Her mother died in childbirth when Zelda was just 3 years old. My grandmother’s older sister, Rachel, was 5, and the baby, Olga, named after their mother, was just...
The spiritual rooster above knows not only the difference between darkness and light but between goodness and bad, revelation and concealment. We could all use some of that discernment in our lives.
Provided that the chicken has been slaughtered by a qualified shochet and properly salted, chicken meat is a perfectly kosher food.
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